Sleep medicine is a branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders. Sleep disorders are conditions that affect the ability to sleep well due to factors related to time of sleep, length of sleep, or quality of sleep. They can be caused by physical, mental, or medical conditions or factors.
Everyone understands that if you do not get enough sleep or have sleep disturbances, it starts to impact your health and quality of life. Therefore, sleep issues should be evaluated by a doctor. Doctors who study sleep medicine, called sleep medicine doctors, are well-trained and experienced in treating patients with sleep disorders.
When should one see a sleep medicine doctor? Continue reading to find out if it’s time for you to make an appointment with one.
Signs It’s Time to See a Sleep Medicine Doctor
Here are some signs that it may be time to seek professional help:
- You’ve tried everything – sleep aids, playing soothing music, counting sheep, changing your sleep environment and schedule, etc. – but nothing seems to work. If you’ve been trying all the usual tips for improving sleep but haven’t seen any results, it might be time to consult with a specialist who can prescribe you individualized, science-backed recommendations.
- If you find yourself snoring loudly or gasping for air during the night, this could be an indication of sleep apnea, which is when breathing is interrupted during sleep. Sleep apnea occurs when the throat muscles relax too much and block airflow during inspiration(inhaling). This causes oxygen levels in the blood to drop, which can lead to daytime fatigue, irritability, headaches, and an increased risk for heart disease and diabetes.
- Other common symptoms of poor sleep include waking up several times throughout the night (known as fragmented sleep), waking up early in the morning and not being able to fall back asleep (known as terminal insomnia), and daytime fatigue or drowsiness.
- Your insomnia is impacting your quality of life. If sleeplessness is interfering with your ability to function during the day or enjoy your life, it’s worth seeking help from a doctor who can offer treatment options beyond what you can do on your own.
- You have other health concerns that could be related to your sleep problems. Poor sleep can start to affect your vitals and cause high blood pressure, an increased daytime heart rate, hormone imbalances, as well as increased stress levels, physical inactivity, frequent snacking, and overeating.
Sleep Medicine Doctor in Georgetown, TX
Dr. Scott William Franklin at Georgetown ENT has advanced training in sleep medicine as a board-certified sleep medicine specialist. With his education, training, and experience, he can diagnose and treat sleep disorders that may be caused by obstructions in the airways. Dr. Franklin diagnoses and treats patients at The Sleep Center at Georgetown ENT – our accredited sleep laboratory in Georgetown – which is fully equipped for sleep tests.
Are you ready for a new way to fix your sleep issues? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Franklin today. Call our office at (512) 869-0604 or use our convenient online request form.