If you or someone in your family has problems sleeping and it has taken a toll on your (or their) health and productivity, then it is in your best interest to get an evaluation and treatment from a physician who practices sleep medicine. A sleep medicine doctor is usually an experienced otolaryngologist (ear, nose, and…
Adenoidectomy for Adults
Adenoidectomy is a surgical procedure performed to remove adenoids that are chronically infected or swollen. When enlarged, adenoids can affect the flow of oxygen in the upper airway, from the nose to the larynx. In adults, swollen adenoids can cause obstructive sleep apnea, which is a serious medical condition that causes pauses in breathing during…
What to Expect from a Hearing Center For Younger People
We usually associate hearing loss with being elderly, however, young people can also suffer from hearing loss. Infants, children, and young adults could develop hearing problems from any of the following: genetics, lifestyle, and pre-existing medical conditions. No matter the patient’s age, hearing loss can significantly impact their life. The sense of hearing is one…
An Allergist’s Guide to Spring
Spring can be a very difficult time for allergy sufferers. It is the season of pollen, which is a very common allergen. However, it is entirely possible to have a comfortable and fun season. As an allergy sufferer, you too can enjoy your time outdoors and not be severely limited by your allergies. Time and…
Your Guide To Adenoidectomy
Adenoidectomy is surgery to remove the adenoids, which is tissue that is located behind the nasal passage. This is a very common procedure performed on children who have an underdeveloped immune system. The adenoids are part of the lymphatic system, and they help prevent bacteria and viruses from entering the body. Should bacteria and viruses…
ENT Doctor: Can Hearing Aids Restore My Hearing Back to Normal?
As social beings, we rely on our sense of hearing, along with our other senses, to survive and thrive— so much so that losing it can greatly affect our interpersonal relationships and sense of well-being, If you’re on this page because your hearing is starting to deteriorate and you want to read up on hearing…
What Conditions Does a Sleep Medicine Doctor Treat?
Has counting sheep or sawing logs at night taken a toll on your daytime productivity? Don’t wait to seek treatment, as either of these can affect your overall quality of life or, worse, point to a potentially serious medical condition. It is in your best interest to consult a sleep medicine doctor, ideally an otolaryngologist…
What happens during a visit with a pediatric sleep apnea doctor?
Children suffering from sleep apnea can suffer serious, long-term consequences. Pediatric sleep apnea is usually caused by an obstruction in the airway, either enlarged tonsils or adenoids, or anatomical reasons such as a narrow throat. Obesity can also be an underlying cause of sleep apnea in children, since excess adipose tissue can cause sleep-disordered breathing….
How does a specialist check for hearing loss?
Is Adenoidectomy Surgery Permanent?
Adenoidectomy is a highly effective procedure for the relief of nasal obstruction, boasting a fairly high satisfaction rate of more than 75 percent. Even with the safety, benefits, and impressive success rate of adenoidectomy, however, you will still want to know about the likelihood of needing a repeat surgery in the future if your ENT…