Adenoids, similar to lymph nodes, are part of the immune system. These lumps of tissue are located behind the nose and the roof of your mouth, near the eustachian tubes. They are prominent in children under the age of seven but begin to shrink as the child grows up. By the time they reach teenage…
Adenoidectomy Surgery
Tonsillectomy Surgery Vs. Adenoidectomy Surgery
Tonsils and adenoids are small structures important to the body’s immune system, particularly in children. However, sometimes, children and adults can experience tonsil and adenoid problems and require treatment from an ENT doctor. The most common procedure done to treat tonsil problems is called a tonsillectomy. The most common procedure done to treat adenoid problems…
How to Recover from a Recent Adenoidectomy Surgery
The adenoids comprise a small gland that is located in the back of your nasal area, and they are part of the immune system especially when we are very young. They work to protect your child against inhaled viruses and bacteria. As we get just a bit older, the adenoids shrink, and their immune purpose…