Our immune system protects us from harmful foreign agents like viruses, bacteria, etc., by producing antibodies that kill these foreign substances. However, in people with allergies, the immune system produces antibodies in response to foreign substances that aren’t even harmful. This response of our immune system to harmless substances is called an allergic reaction. Most…
How an Allergist Helps You Cope with Allergies
An allergy is an overreaction of the immune system to typically harmless substances. These substances are called allergens and can include environmental substances, such as pollen, pet dander, dust mites, mold or food such as dairy, gluten, and peanuts, and medication, including penicillin and some antibiotics. When someone with allergies comes into contact with an…
What to Expect When Visiting an Allergist
It is not at all uncommon for people to suffer through their allergy symptoms for quite some time before seeing an allergy doctor. Allergies, provided they are not life-threatening, may take a backseat in an allergy sufferer’s list of priorities. However, untreated allergies can and do lead to complications. You could develop an infection or…
What Is the Difference Between an Allergist and an Immunologist?
If you have allergies, you may have been hearing about how immunology is a way of treating an allergy possibly for a lifetime. This sounds very appealing if you experience bothersome sneezing, congestion, runny nose, watery eyes, or rashes just from being exposed to certain allergens. Let’s talk about how an allergist can also function…
An Allergist’s Guide to Spring
Spring can be a very difficult time for allergy sufferers. It is the season of pollen, which is a very common allergen. However, it is entirely possible to have a comfortable and fun season. As an allergy sufferer, you too can enjoy your time outdoors and not be severely limited by your allergies. Time and…
How Seasonal Allergies Can Affect Your Sleep
Spring is here— the most beautiful time of year for many people. However, for those who have seasonal allergies, it is rather a time to brace themselves for not only the onslaught of symptoms but also for the sleepless nights. If you’re one of those whose seasonal allergies are keeping them from drifting off to…
5 Tips on How to Avoid Cedar Allergy While Camping
Despite the frigid temperatures the winter season brings, many people still find it a fun and great time—for snuggling up, drinking hot cocoa, building a snowman, throwing a bonfire party and, for camping enthusiasts, winter camping. However, for those with seasonal allergies, particularly cedar allergies, the winter season may rather be a time to brace…
Ask an Allergist: What Are the Common Symptoms of People Who Have Allergies to Cedar?
When winter comes around, those with seasonal allergies in some parts of the United States – such as in Texas – begin to experience symptoms of mountain cedar allergies. Mountain cedar is actually the Ashe juniper tree, which is a drought-tolerant evergreen tree that produces pollen in wintertime. Mountain cedar is primarily found in Texas,…
Advantages of Visiting an Allergist
An allergist is a medical doctor who specializes in treating allergic conditions, such as hay fever, skin allergies, and food allergies. An allergy is when your immune system mistakenly interprets a substance as a foreign invader (such as a virus), and most people who have allergies are allergic to similar things. While allergies are not…
10 Tips for Success When Visiting an Allergist
Making an appointment with an allergist is a crucial first step towards taking better control of your allergies and restoring your quality of life. As with seeing any other type of healthcare professional, there are things you want to do to make the most out of your visit to your allergist. Below are 10 simple…