According to statistics, there are an estimated 600,000 people across all age groups in the United States living with hearing loss, and more than half of these people are over 65 years of age. If you suspect that you may be one of these people, check out this brief guide and learn some strategies to…
Hearing loss
Is Hearing Loss Preventable?
Exposure to the loud noise of fireworks, gunshots, motorcycles, lawnmowers, mechanical machinery, and blaring music can all contribute to hearing loss – so this can indeed be prevented by wearing effective protection over your ears. Hearing loss that is inborn, or that is due to age-related changes to the inner structures of the ear, is…
Hearing Loss Facts that Are Almost Too Hard to Believe
How Can an ENT Specialist Correct My Hearing Loss?
Hearing loss is one of the most distressing things that can happen to a person. There are over 100 possible causes of hearing loss. These include aging, infections, disease, and regular exposure to loud sounds. If you’ve recently noticed a decline in your ability to perceive sound, you will benefit from the expertise of an…
When Is It Necessary to See a Hearing Loss Specialist?
There are times when we all have difficulty hearing things, especially when in a noisy or crowded area. However, if you start losing your ability to hear even under normal circumstances, you may need to have a hearing evaluation. Let’s talk about how to determine when you need to see a hearing loss specialist for…
Which Hearing Aid is Right for Me?
Loss of hearing can have a detrimental effect on your quality of life, so if you think you are experiencing it, you should get yourself checked out by an ears, nose, and throat (ENT) doctor right away. ENT doctors, like Dr. Scott W. Franklin of Georgetown ENT, can help you by performing hearing and balance tests…
What is the First Sign of Hearing Loss?
Hearing loss is often called the invisible condition because of its gradual progression. Unlike other health conditions that cause pain or obvious setbacks (such as loss of vision or osteoporosis), hearing loss is not painful, usually occurs over time, and doesn’t really present any major setbacks outside of inconvenience or embarrassment. In fact, most people…