Have you been finding it difficult to hear other people during conversations — as if they are speaking too softly? These moments can be frustrating and confusing, especially if they start happening more frequently. Recognizing the signs of hearing loss is not always easy, but taking action early is crucial. Hearing loss does not…
Types of Hearing Aids and Their Specifications
Hearing aids are small electronic devices that amplify sound and help those with hearing loss. There are different types of hearing aids, which vary in size, shape, and how they are worn. Hearing aids are best fitted and programmed by an audiologist, an expert who specializes in diagnosing, treating, and providing hearing devices to patients….
Hearing Aids Not “One-Size-Fits-All”
When performing and enjoying our daily activities, we rely constantly on our five senses: hearing, sight, taste, smell, and touch. Our sense of hearing involves an intricate process entailing the ears, nerves, and brain. Hearing loss can make conversations and day-to-day activities more challenging for some people. Technological advancements in the field of medicine have…
What Triggers Vertigo Attacks?
People who experience vertigo describe it as a sensation of spinning, or a feeling that your head is spinning. It is more than just feeling dizzy, and it may cause you to lose your balance and fall. The balance issues caused by vertigo can be a significant safety risk. A vertigo attack can last anywhere…
Signs of Nasal Polyps
Nasal polyps are painless, fleshy growths that can develop when the lining of the nose and/or sinuses is inflamed and swells to form a polyp. If they become too large or if there is a cluster of them, it can lead to nasal congestion, infections, a loss of your sense of smell, and breathing difficulties….
Causes of Tonsillitis
Your tonsils are pads of lymphatic tissue that are located in the back of your throat. Tonsillitis is inflammation of the tonsils, and it produces a variety of symptoms such as red tonsils, a sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and swollen lymph nodes under the jaw. While it may affect adults and children alike, tonsillitis is…
Common Signs of Dysphagia
Recent studies show that about 1 in every 25 adults has dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing. It’s most frequently seen in older individuals, but the condition can be experienced across all age groups and for many different reasons. This condition is often linked to underlying health conditions, particularly those associated with the brain and nervous system….
What Can An Allergist Treat?
If you suffer with allergies, you are not alone. More than 50 million people in the United States suffer with allergies every year. If you are finding your symptoms becoming increasingly troublesome, it may be time to seek the expertise of an allergist. What Is An Allergist? An allergist is a medically trained physician who…
Causes of Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is one of the most common health problems throughout the world. It causes communication issues and can make the patient feel like they cannot participate in normal social events. In order to avoid things that could cause or exacerbate hearing loss, it is essential to understand some of the most common causes behind…
Best Way To Treat An Ear Infection
An ear infection can be a common occurrence, particularly in children. It can cause pain, a fever, and hearing loss, and although ear infections often go away on their own, treatment may be required to reduce painful symptoms or prevent reoccurring infections. What Causes An Ear Infection? Small tubes called eustachian tubes connect your ears…