Tonsils and adenoids are small structures important to the body’s immune system, particularly in children. However, sometimes, children and adults can experience tonsil and adenoid problems and require treatment from an ENT doctor. The most common procedure done to treat tonsil problems is called a tonsillectomy. The most common procedure done to treat adenoid problems…
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What Types of Vertigo Treatments Are Available?
Do you ever feel like the room is spinning or become very lightheaded? These spells might also be accompanied by wooziness and disorientation. If so, you may have a condition called vertigo. Vertigo causes a sensation that you are off balance and causes a variety of symptoms, such as the ones mentioned. Fortunately, the experts…
How to Recover from a Recent Adenoidectomy Surgery
The adenoids comprise a small gland that is located in the back of your nasal area, and they are part of the immune system especially when we are very young. They work to protect your child against inhaled viruses and bacteria. As we get just a bit older, the adenoids shrink, and their immune purpose…
It May Not Be a Simple Cold Sore If It’s Not Going Away
The 3 Cardinal Signs of Meniere’s Disease
Meniere’s disease is a chronic condition that affects the inner ear. It usually only affects one ear but can produce a number of unpleasant symptoms, including vertigo (dizziness) and hearing loss, which can have a significant impact on overall quality of life. The exact cause of Meniere’s disease is not fully understood, but it is…
What is Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Sense of hearing enables us to communicate, work, and socialize. It also gives us awareness of our surroundings and allows us to detect potential dangers. A gradual loss of hearing in both ears is a natural part of aging for many over the age of 60, however, a rapid loss of hearing in people between…
How to Detect Whether You Have a Pollen Allergy
According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 7.3% of adults in the United States have hay fever or allergic rhinitis. Hay fever causes signs and symptoms similar to a cold, like a runny nose and sneezing, but it’s actually triggered by allergens like pollen. Before you can adequately equip yourself for…
How Allergy Testing Is Performed
If you have allergies, you are not alone: More than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies. Allergy testing is an accurate way to pinpoint the source of the allergen which triggers your reaction, thereby allowing your doctor to treat it effectively. The immune system is designed to fight germs to keep us healthy, but it…
What Is Hyperparathyroidism?
If you have nausea, a loss of appetite, and bone and joint pain that’s recurring, you may have hyperparathyroidism. When left unaddressed, you may develop osteoporosis, or even worse, heart disease. Fortunately, if you seek medical attention, you have treatment options available. Definition You have four parathyroid glands at the body of the neck. They’re…
6 Benefits of Having Hearing Aids
As you get older, you may lose some of your hearing. Sudden or continuous exposure to loud sounds, aging, and genetic disposition to hearing loss all contribute to the condition. Other factors such as infection, head trauma, or certain medications might also reduce your ability to hear. Fortunately, hearing aids can help restore your hearing….