Ideally, people fall asleep easily and wake up refreshed and energized. However, the reality is that many people are sleep-deprived, and some of us have a sleep disorder that warrants medical attention so it can be corrected. The main organ that needs a quality sleep in order to fully function properly is the brain. Although…
ENT Specialist near me
Are Your Ears Still Ringing? This Could Explain Why
You rely on your hearing to do everything from watching movies to listening to music and from engaging with people at work to spending time with loved ones. When your hearing is impacted because of ringing in your ears, or tinnitus, it can impact every activity you participate in. Fortunately, tinnitus can be diagnosed and…
Which Hearing Aid is Right for Me?
Loss of hearing can have a detrimental effect on your quality of life, so if you think you are experiencing it, you should get yourself checked out by an ears, nose, and throat (ENT) doctor right away. ENT doctors, like Dr. Scott W. Franklin of Georgetown ENT, can help you by performing hearing and balance tests…
How Is Oral Cancer Diagnosed?
About 3–5% of all cancer diagnoses of Americans are related to head and neck cancer. Oral cancer, the most widespread of all head and neck cancers, involves the uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells that damage surrounding tissue in the cheeks, lips, tongue, floor of the mouth, sinuses, and throat. According to the National Institute of…